Saturday, September 28, 2013

Small world...

We always say it's such a small world. Only on extremely rare occasions are we truly reminded if this. When I was 16-18 years old there was a Canadian singing group that I was ver fond of. Whenever they would come to my city my friend and I would make every concert. A city nearby? Yup we're there. 3 hours away? No problem. Then I grew up.

Well, book club meeting tonight. I'm still fairly new and have just now been in long enough that everyone has hosted once. This hostess has talked about her husband lots at previous meetings but I've never met him. We are sitting in her livingroom and in he walks. Turns out I do know him. He was a short term member of the band mentioned above! I couldn't believe it. 

Truly is a small world. Best random text to my friend (and fellow fan girl back then), "Do you remember so and so from (insert band name here)?"
"Well I'm sitting in his livingroom."
"WHAT?!? WHY????"

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