Thursday, January 23, 2014

Women are crazy...

So my wax girl was going on and on about eyelash extensions. I'd heard of this before, only because one of my buddies was asking where to get it done because his wife wanted it for his birthday. I had no clue what he was even talking about, let alone where to get it done. He wasn't surprised I didn't know. So when my girl was going on about the training she just went to and she is now a level 2 in applying these extensions I asked what they were.

So, you basically get an extra, longer and darker, hair glued to your current eyelash hairs. Basically...I think. Then she started saying how most women don't even wear eye make-up anymore after having it done. Well that caught my attention. I don't wear a lot of make-up but the one thing I do do every morning is my eyes. Just a quick 5 minutes, but the though of not having to do it was very interesting. 5 more minutes every morning?! So tempting. Those of you who know me know how incredibly busy I am and how 5 minutes could be sitting sipping my coffee, reading a book, or even an extra 5 minutes to get things done to give me more time for hobbies! So I took the leap.

2 hours laying on my back while she worked on my eyes. My poor back...the whole process was rather simple. I barely noticed her working on my eyelashes and the idea was she was going to add ones that would still look natural. Apparently you can get colors and feathers added to. When she was finally finished, and I managed to actually get off the table, I looked in the mirror and almost burst out laughing. I mean I like them and all, very dramatic for me, but are you kidding? No one in their right mind would think these are my actual lashes. Then again I don't wear a lot of mascara and if I did maybe they'd look that noticeable? I don't know. I'm so inexperienced in all this aesthetic bullshit, maybe the reason I decided to start trying different things this year. 

We'll see if I get use to them, I will admit I didn't put any make-up on this morning! Which was kind of awesome.

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