Thursday, March 27, 2014

Beyond Excited...

Grew up loving TMNT, love the old school movies, cannot wait for this one to come out!


Unknown said...

When I first heard about the movie I wasn't excited, but after seeing them in action It does look pretty sweet. I do wish the foot clan looked more like ninjas and less than a mercenary squad. Other than that, I'm ok with the way it's looking.

- GERG! - said...

Did you guys get the vibe that they are saying Shredder made the ninja turtles? I understand they need to do a new origin story, but that just feels... wrong.

Unknown said...

It might be that the heroes he's talking about could be the foot clan? But they're showing the turtles to confuse us.

Anonymous said...

I did read somewhere while they were making this they did change the origin story. To bring it more up to date. But I thought I read it is April O'Neils father that creates the turtles secretly to combat the others, not sure though.
