I cannot claim to be much better, I have taken this opportunity to fulfill my dirty side and found the 'penis' theme to be quite entertaining. You can get everything from cookie cutters to water bottles in the shape of this male member. I went the way of penis straws and candy, candy nipple tassels and frilly panties for her. I also rented a room at one of the local clubs where we will have dinner and then take part in the male entertainment.
In the end, I'm sure it will be a fantastic time and lots of fun. I just never realized what went into planning these things. The other thing to keep in mind, is many people will get all excited with the bride to be when she gushes about having male dancers at her stag...but when push comes to shove, I've had at least 5 people back out due to this act. These people never expressed a concern to her, but will be leaving shortly after dinner, or not coming at all, to avoid being in the same room as mostly naked men. And these guys don't even get completely naked! I've never been to a show like that, but I'd do almost anything for my dear friend...and to stare at nicely tanned and greased men! Not my usual attraction at all, but you get caught up in the moment.
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