They've done it...
It's happened...food that is it's own pesticide. They have successfully engineered corn to murder it's

Personally, this is terrifying news. For one, what does this do to humans? Have they tested the end product in detail. Second...what will they come up with next? No wonder today's people are plagued with disease, and today's youth has almost no chance of growing up healthy. Our food is causing illness, death and severely crippling the environment, yet we continue...take more antibiotics, find more names for our ailments and complain about pollution and global warming. There is a reason why Germany and New Zealand will not allow any GMO (Genetically Modified Organisms) into their country...we should pay attention.

This provides me with one more reason to support organic farming and products. Save the earth, our rivers and most important, ourselves and our children. The government should increase it's spending into organic farming, making the process strict across the board so that no company can come in and leach off the consumers without provide what is promised. This may be able to save us from their other stupid decision to allow these large corporations to take over our food. Maybe not in my life time...but soon, we will all be in very big trouble. If I ever have children I will be teaching them the importance of eating healthy food and choosing the best products. They will know how to grow potatoes and raspberries, compost and to provide for themselves. How to crush wheat to make bread and making and canning tomato sauce! I wonder if there was a worldwide emergency, how many people would be able to fend for themselves. Or how many have relied on companies to feed them, cook for them

It's like sending a prissy dog that has been primped it's whole life...to live with the wolves. The end story will not be pretty and only those that have kept their instinct and general fend-for-yourself attitude will survive. I heard the other day...from someone that certain religions require you to keep a certain amount of flour on hand for emergencies. Our current young adult generation actually asked..."what do we do with this flour?" The ancestors were disgusted and shocked. Now, part of growing up is a "bread making party" to teach the younger generations how to make bread and other foods from scratch in case of a catastrophe. Is this sick to anyone else? That these generations have become so accustomed to fast, instant and pre-prepared foods that they do not even know how to cook for themselves? This will cause their own children to be worse! I pity the world...
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