Went to an impromptu concert last night. Was informed by my long term best friend that a singer we were really into when we were 19 was in town. It's amazing how the the nostalgia comes back when you hear music from a certain point in your life. It reminded me that we last caught her in concert 15 years ago. That night I got my foot stepped on by someone while waiting for the concert to start. They had a shard of glass stuck in their shoe which proceeded to slice the side of my foot open. I got to watch the concert from the sidelines while holding toilet paper to my bleeding foot. My friend and I had just started college together and also worked at the same store. I was dating a guy that I was also trying to help get back on his feet. I got him a job, found him a place to live and my repayment was him cheating on me and getting arrested for selling crack and stealing from friends. What a great time!
The concert last night was a good reminder of how awkward life is and how things change so much. I don't drink much anymore, stopped when I started my fitness journey but like indulging now and then. I stopped after 3 beers last night as a lot of reminders why I stopped drinking started creeping up.
There was an older lady sitting next to us, completely wasted. So much that she was crying, hugging the bouncers, yelling at the artist to stop telling stories and sing. The bartender finally convinced her to leave. I then had to use the washroom where I overhear a girl rush into the neighbor stall telling the person emerging, "I'm sorry, I'm going to puke where you peed." Classy...
The icing on the cake, was when we met the artist. Had a picture taken with her and she signed my friend's book. Just before we approached her this young lady, quite intoxicated, runs up to her and says, "I don't know why all these people are here to see you, you aren't that great." Why pay to see someone just to put them down? I get that artists are all acquired tastes and this young lady was not part of the generation that enjoyed her music when she was big. If she isn't your thing, don't go. There are a lot more places to get wasted and insult people.
Overall it was great, her rock songs were done in an acoustic style so it was very different but still good. Was also a good excuse to wear my heeled boots and my Jessica Rabbit shirt! Thanks for the reminder of why I changed my lifestyle...
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